I have a long history of randomly musing out loud about things that are … illegal and or immoral, and other people overhearing and going, hey, THAT’S an idea! As I’ve explained often before, I could be a criminal mastermind. If it weren’t for executive dysfunction and a healthy fear of prison. Sometimes this is useful. When working at Chase,… Read more →
Tag: workplace wondering
Workplace Wonderings : Best password ever? Or worst?
Passwords are… a thing. We all hate them. Personally, I like XKCD’s thought, make it 5 distinct words. Resetting passwords can be its own… fun. I worked for a company that had a windows application with a subscription service and where your password… had no requirements beyond 5 or more characters. Even better, that password? Was kept in a text… Read more →
Workplace Wonderings: USB is crashing my computer!
This one isn’t mine, exactly. It’s a coworkers. A comment on FB reminded me of this story. I used to work for a company that has a Garmin GPS unit that they sell that runs custom firmware in order to use it for golfing. We did tech support on the units and software to load courses into the unit. This… Read more →